Main Page
Convey HC-1 Tutorials
- Connecting to
- Setting Up Environment Variables on Convey's HC-1
- Running the Vector Adder Example Application
- Analyze the Simpleton Basic App
- Create a Custom Bitfile
- Using a Custom Bitfile in C Code
- Adding VHDL Files to a Project
- The Verilog Hardware Interface for CAE
- Using ISE's Core Generator to build FIFOs and other IP cores
- Running Different Bitfiles on each AE
- Using SPAT
- Using GPROF
- Example of Loop Unrolling using FPGA
- Speeding up Sobel Algorithm
Reference Manuals
- Convey PDK Reference Manual (.pdf) (updated to V5.2; April 2012)
- Convey Programmers Guide (.pdf) (updated to V1.8; November 2010)
- Convey Reference Manual (.pdf)
- Convey SPAT (Simulator Performance Analysis Tool) Guide
- Convey PDK (.pdf)
- Convey Overview (.pdf)
- Convey Overview (.pdf)
The newet version of these documents are available at Convey's Support Site
Other Articles
Helpful Guides
- "The Shock and Awe" VHDL Tutorial
- VHDL Simple Code Examples
- VHDL Primer
- Using VHDL components in Verilog