Convey environment setup
Please update this document if you think you have a better login setup. Also update this document if the software changes.
You'll want to copy the two files below into to your home directory: Xilinx_Env and cny_Env. In addition, edit your .bash_profile to source the files. You can always check to see if your environment is correctly setup by running:
env | grep "CNY"
#General envs to setup export PATH=$PATH:/opt/convey/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/convey/lib export CNY_PDK=/opt/convey/pdk export CNY_PDK_REV=2011_11_22 export CNY_PDK_HDLSIM=Mentor export CNY_PDK_SIMMODE=64 # For running SW model or Modelsim # export # For running on HW export CNY_SIM_THREAD= # for software emulation # export CNY_CAE_EMULATOR=<loction of CaeSimPers> # Example location ~/temp_sample_app/cae_pers_vadd/CaeSimPers/CaeSimPers # for Modelsim simulation #export CNY_CAE_EMULATOR=./run_simulation #for running on HW export CNY_CAE_EMULATOR= #see Chap 12 of Convey Programmers Guide v1.8 for more environment variables
source /remote/Xilinx/13.4/ export PATH=$PATH:/remote/Modelsim/10.1c/modeltech/linux_x86_64/ export
Editing .bash_profile
Adding the following lines to your .bash_profile file will prevent you from having to source these files every time you login. The file is located in your home directory (use ls -a to view hidden files that start with '.'). It is assumed that you have copied the two scripts above to your home directory.
# .bash_profile # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:. export PATH # setup convey aliases source cny_Env source Xilinx_Env
Ensure You're Using Bash
echo $SHELL
If you are not using bash, you can set your default shell to bash at [1] by going to Manage User -> View/Edit your Linux login shell -> Select /bin/bash