Using ISE's Core Generator to build FIFOs and other IP cores

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Revision as of 23:28, 25 September 2012 by Cnel711 (talk | contribs)
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  1. Open Xilinx's ISE from the terminal (make sure your environmental variables are set):
ise &
  1. Create or open a project. The devices on the HC-1 and HC-2 are Virtex 5 FPGAs (xc5vlx330, -2, ff1760).
  2. Open the Core Generator (Tools -> Core Generator...)
  3. Create a new Core Generator project.
    1. Part
      1. Family: Virtex5
      2. Device: xc5vlx330
      3. Package: ff1760
      4. Speed: -2
    2. Generation
      1. Simulation Model: Structural
  4. Generate you IP Cores!
  5. Copy the .ngc, .v, and .xco to the coregen folder in your PDK project