Open Issues

Revision as of 19:54, 21 December 2009 by Petersok (talk | contribs)
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cdsdocs doesn't work.

AMI (ON Semi) 0.5u tech library inconsistency - temperature coefficient

It has been observed that the BSIM3 parameter ute is assigned a value in the default tech library which does not match the test data available on the MOSIS website. The value in almost all of the test runs is -1.5 whereas the tech library value is -1.0. This parameter is the exponent that determines the temperature coefficient of the electron mobility; if you are working on temperature-critical designs or temperature-compensating a circuit, it is recommended that you copy the default tech library, ami06.scs from /usr/local/cadence/iclocal/ncsu_local/models/spectre to a local folder, make the modification, and carry out the new simulation with the new library. You can load it in your Analog Design Environemtn under Setup->Model Libraries.