Frequently Asked Questions
General FAQ
How to add new verilog files or directories to a PDK project?
By default, the PDK looks like the project/verilog directory and compiles all .v files found there. To add other Verilog directories, use this makefile variable:
USER_VERILOG_DIRS += ../../verilog
How to run Modelsim GUI while simulating?
You may run the simulation in interactive mode by adding the following line to the makefile in the sim directory:
Another option is to edit the test bench (sim/tb_user.v shown below) to dump the waveforms to a file, then run the hardware simulator via command line, and finally open up the waveform file (vsim -v ./sim/vsim.wlf). This has the benefit of dumping all the signals (if your file was missing something, you'd have to rerun the simulation).
`timescale 1 ns / 1 ps module tb_user(); initial begin // Insert user code here, such as signal dumping // set CNY_PDK_TB_USER_VLOG variable in sim/makefile `include "PDK_SIM_CONFIG.vh" `ifdef AE0_PRESENT $wlfdumpvars(5,testbench.cae_fpga0.ae_top.core.cae_pers); `endif `ifdef AE1_PRESENT $wlfdumpvars(5,testbench.cae_fpga1.ae_top.core.cae_pers); `endif `ifdef AE2_PRESENT $wlfdumpvars(5,testbench.cae_fpga2.ae_top.core.cae_pers); `endif `ifdef AE3_PRESENT $wlfdumpvars(5,testbench.cae_fpga3.ae_top.core.cae_pers); `endif end endmodule
Emulator Related
How to read AEG registers in the emulator?
You can use the following function:
uint64 AegRead(int aeId, int aegIdx);
How to read/write the memory in the emulator?
You can use the functions AeMemLoad and AeMemStore to read and write from/to the memory as follows:
bool AeMemLoad (int aeId, int mcId, unint64 addr, int size, bool bSigned, uint64 &data);
bool AeMemStore (int aeId, int mcId, unint64 addr, int size, bool bSigned, uint64 &data);