Team 142875

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Revision as of 15:38, 1 February 2012 by Jmpark00 (talk | contribs)
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Team members

  • Michael Patterson
  • Chetan N-Govindaiah
  • Jungmin Park

Assignment 1

Developing a Custom Personality

  1. Analyze Application

How does the current application perform on existing hardware? What bottleneacks are limiting the performance? What data structures are involved? How parallelizable is the application?

  1. Evaluate Hardware Options
  2. Define Custom Instructions

The functions implemented by the hardware design can then be mapped to custom instructions.

  1. Develop Software Model of Custom Personality

Convey provides an architecture simulation environment to allow rapid prototyping of both the hardware and software components of a custom personality. This environment is written in C++ to emulate the rest of the system. It includes hardware models of instruction dispatch, register state and the memory subsystem.

Running the Sample Application []

1. Copy Sample AE and Sample Application The Vadd sample personality and application is installed with the PDK RPM in /opt/convey/pdk/2010_08_09/.

The sample is made up of two components:

  • cae_pers_vadd - contains the sample custom personality, including the software model which emulates the Application Engine FPGA
  • SampleAppVadd - contains the application that uses the instruction defined in the CasSample tree.
cd $HOME
mkdir pdk_sample
cp -r /opt/convey/pdk/2010_08_09/cae_sample_vadd pdk_sample
cp -r /opt/convey/pdk/2010_08_09/pdk_apps/SampleAppVadd pdk_sample

2. Build the Sample AE and Sample Application

cd $HOME/pdk_sample/cae_pers_vadd/CaeSim
cd ../../SampleAppVadd