Team Slytherin

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Team Members

  • Kevin Townsend
  • Bhavani Satyanarayana Rao
  • Chidvila Gaddam


  1. Review Docs
    1. ConveyPDKReferenceManual
    2. ConveyProgrammersGuide
    3. ConveyReferenceManual
  2. Understand how Vector Adder example works
  3. Implement Vector Adder example ( SW, ModelSim, HW)

The implementation of the example in Software(host processor), Modelsim(Simulator) or the hardware(Co processor) can be realized by setting the appropriate environmental values for CNY_SIM_THREAD and CNY_CAE_EMULATOR.

Alternatively, running the application using run, runcp, run simulator from the SampleAppVadd also helps realize the same.